Supporter Hub: Giving History Gadget

Supporter Hub: Giving History Gadget

Once you have set up your hub you can add gadgets to the main hub page. Click here to view the tutorial on creating your hub.

In this article, we’ll be looking at the Supporter Hub’s Giving History gadget.

This can be used as a place for your supporters to see what donations they have donated so far. If they have yet to donate, you can add an alternative message asking them to donate.

It will appear as a button in the hub once the supporter has logged in.

Adding the gadget to the Supporter Hub

To add the gadget, drag it from the right-hand toolbar. It is under the Supporter Gadgets group of tools.

When you drag it onto an appropriate place in your page, a panel will show for you to manage the content and settings of this gadget.

Manage states

This gadget can have a series of “states” seen under the Manage states tab. When a supporter logs into the supporter Hub, we will determine their state based on previous donations they have made (if any). You may create different versions of your content for supporters who have yet to donate (and provide a link to a donation page), default content for all donors, and different content using Profiles.

There are two states that are built in – No donations yet, and General giver. You can also add your own.

No donations yet state

Supporters who haven’t made any donations previously are in the “No donations yet” state. If they open the giving history gadget, they will be able to link to a donation page of your choice to make their first donation. To edit this content and set the donation page that the button will link to, click the pencil icon on this state 

General giver

Supporters who do not belong to any of the other states/profiles you select will see the content you add in this section. To edit this content, click the pencil icon on this state. 

The donation history will appear below this content.

You can also use the gadget’s settings to determine if you want to include Fundraising, Event and/or P2P transactions in this history.

Profile states

There are an additional 3 optional states you can have based on a Profile. These will show a different piece of content above the list of donations.

You may want to consider providing some Profile-specific content. For example, if you are using a Profile for Major Donors, you may want to say, “Thank you for being a major donor.


The second tab is called Settings. You can change various text labels; allow the supporter to download an issued receipt for gift; expose ‘In Memoriam’ information for the gift; format of the date, amount and currency; include or exclude various transaction types.

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