Supporter Hub: P2P Gadget

Supporter Hub: P2P Gadget

Once you have set up your hub you can add gadgets to the main hub page. Click here to view the tutorial on creating your hub.

The P2P gadget can be used as a place for supporters to see their current Peer to Peer fundraising activities. The gadget will show no activity if the supporter does not have any P2P fundraisers.

Adding the gadget to the Supporter Hub

To add the gadget, drag it from the right-hand toolbar. It is under the Supporter Gadgets group of tools and it is called P2P Gadget.

When you drag it onto an appropriate place in your page, a panel will show for you to manage the content and settings of this gadget.

Editing the gadget

The label and button icon that is displayed on the landing page of the Hub for the P2P gadget can be changed under the On Page tab.

The content displayed to the supporter once they click into the gadget can be updated under the Content tab and can be customized based on Current or Past P2P activities. If the supporter has no P2P activity they will see a message indicating no activity.

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