Fundraising Recurring Update – FRU
Fundraising Recurring Update – FRU
FRU transaction type will be generated when supporters update the credit card on a recurring donation.
Credit card is updated for a recurring transaction
When supporters use the Supporter Hub to update their credit card or a User updates the credit card on the supporter’s record for an inactive or active recurring donation, an FRU transaction is created. When a credit card is updated a new the payment token gets created. For this reasons the original transaction is set to CANCELED and a new transaction is created with a new payment token and the initial transaction value shows up as $0. In exported data this will be represented as an FRU transaction and will have the transaction ID for the original FCR in the campaign data 11 column and that can be used to track the update back to the original recurring schedule.
On the supporter’s record, this will be seen as an FCR.