Lookup Supporter Gadgets – Recurring Donations

Lookup Supporter Gadgets – Recurring Donations

The “Recurring Donations” gadget displays all recurring donations made by the supporter within the Lookup Supporter tool. It is color coded so that successful transactions are green and failed or cancelled transactions are red. Depending on your payment gateway, you can also manage your recurring donations from this gadget.

Which gateways? Stripe, Vantiv, Paysafe, Payflow Pro, and iATS are gateways that can update recurring card information via the Engaging Networks system


Once the “Recurring Donations” gadget has been added to your layout click on the settings icon . Here you can set how many transactions appear at once.


The “Recurring Donations” gadget provides you quick access to the transaction details of the supporter’s donations.

The information available on this screen is dependent on your payment gateway.

The left side is where you can review the parent transaction details. This is the first transaction made for the recurring donation. This is also where you can make changes to the donation details, which is covered later in this document.

Select ‘Edit’ to modify recurring gift details.

Additional Details + Settings

The right side is where you can view details for each subsequent donation made since the first donation was made.

If your recurring donations are managed by your payment gateway you will see the following information instead of the list of transactions and the option to edit the transaction will not be available.

Recurring Donation Tasks

From the “Recurring Donation” gadget you are able to perform tasks related to the transactions, depending on your payment gateway.

Managing Recurring Payments

Clicking on the recurring payment in the gadget that you would like to review to show the transaction details. Click the “Edit” button at the bottom of the transaction container to make updates to the transaction details.

You are able to make the following changes to the transaction depending on your payment gateway.



Donation Amount

Change the amount of the donation being given.


Active – This is the default status for recurring donations
Suspended – Recurring donations that have been rejected after 3 attempts. The transaction will turn orange when suspended.
Paused – This status is used to prevent the recurring donation to process at the request of the donor. This is set manually. The transaction will turn orange when paused.
Cancelled – This status is used to manually cancel a recurring donation at the request of the donor. The transaction will turn red when cancelled. After selecting this status in the gadget Users can also add a Cancel reason.


Change how often the recurring donation is given depending on your payment gateway.

Day of charge

Change the date the recurring payment is submitted.

End date

Select a date when the recurring gift should end.

The transaction Status will automatically be set to CANCELED on the next payment date if the end date is in the past.

Next payment date

The date the transaction should next process.

Changes made to Donation Amount, Status, Frequency, Day of charge and End Date will create an FCR ‘change’ transaction with the change indicated in the Campaign Status column and the Campaign Data 21 column.

With some payment gateways you can also update the credit card information below.



Expiry Date

Update the expiration date of the credit card used for recurring donations depending on your payment gateway.

Credit Card Number

Update the credit card number used to make the recurring donation depending on your payment gateway (allowed by Payflow, Vantiv, Paysafe, Stripe, and iATS)

When the card number is updated, the original FCR recurring series is cancelled. A new FCR recurring series is created. In addition, a FRU (Fundraising Recurring Update) transaction is generated, with 0 as its amount. Campaign Data 11 shows the Parent ID of the original series being updated. Yu can read more about that here.

Changes made to the credit card number for a recurring donation will create an FRU transaction.

You can also update the status of the recurring donation here. The following options are available.

You can adjust the number of days between the second and third retry attempt to hopefully limit the number of transactions being suspended. See account preferences.

Pause and Restart Billing

To allow supporters to take a break from their recurring gift plan without cancelling, you may ‘Edit’ the recurring gift details and select the intended Next Payment Date from the calendar and save. This will allow the same FCR record to effectively skip the intended month(s) and restart on the selected date. Note: The recurring record must have an Active status at the time of pausing/restarting in order to access this functionality.

This is also available as the NextPaymentDate with format YYYYMMDD in order to schedule via the ENS API.

This will be reflected in the updated Transaction History for the relevant recurring gift(s) to indicate the scheduled dates. In the example below, the gift is scheduled to skip one month:

Additionally, the modified status and schedule will be reflected on export in an FCR in the Campaign Status and Campaign Data 21 columns.

Log Cancellation Reason

When cancelling a gift, you may choose to indicate a cancellation reason, customized to your organization’s needs. When creating for the first time, you will need to add a cancel code when canceling a gift and select ‘Add.’ 

Cancellation codes must be 50 characters or less (including alphanumeric characters, underscores, and/or spaces).

After adding the desired reason(s) or once desired reason codes have already been added in the account, select the intended cancellation reason code before closing. Be sure to select ‘Update’ to apply the changes.

The applied cancellation reason(s) are then logged on transactional export as a new FCR transaction FCR, with the reason value reflected in the Campaign Status  and Campaign Data 21 columns.

Move recurring transactions to another record 

You may also move a recurring transaction to another supporter record.

To do so, in the recurring transaction desired to move, select Edit and Move.

You can then enter desired fields to Search for the record to move the transaction to, or select Quick Create to add a new supporter record. Select ‘Move To’ once identifying the desired record to associate with the recurring gift. A confirmation pop-up will appear to ask you to confirm the transfer. Select ‘Send’ to complete moving the recurring gift to the selected supporter.

An audit trail will be created if and when a recurring transaction is moved, in addition to an Account Log transaction available via the Export API, including the parent transaction ID and the supporter IDs associated with the original and transferred gift.

Refunding recurring transactions

To refund a recurring transaction you first need to locate it in the list of transactions on the right-hand side of the gadget and click on it to reveal its details.

Click on the “Refund donation” button and you will then be asked to confirm the refund and Users can choose to send a refund acknowledgement as well.

Refunding is supported through the ACI, IATSPayflow ProPaysafeStripePaypal or Vantiv gateways