Managing Supporter Profiles

Go to the “Profiles” page located under the “Data & Reports” tab to accomplish most profile-related tasks in Engaging Networks.

New Profile

The first element on the page is the “New Profile” button.

Clicking on this will take you to the profile creation page. For more details on creating/editing profiles click here.

Profiles Scheduled

You can schedule up to 50 profiles to run automatically each day. You can see the number of profiles you currently have scheduled and how many remain on the top right-hand side of the Manage Supporter Profiles page.

Profile List

All profiles that have been created within your Engaging Networks dashboard are listed alphabetically by name when you first open the page. Each profile will have the following information displayed when you open the page.




This is the reference name of your profile.

Created On

Date that the profile was originally created.

Modified On

Date that the profile was last edited and saved.

NOTE: Opening the profile and saving it will update this date even if no actual changes were made to the profile.

Last Run

Date/time the profile was last run. If blank, the profile has never been run.

Matched Supporters

The count of supporter records within your account that matches the filter criteria of your profile.

NOTE: You can click on each of the column headers to sort your profiles by that column.

Profile Actions



Edit – Clicking on this icon takes you to the profile edit screen where you can modify your profile.

Schedule – Clicking on this icon will add the profile to your list of scheduled profiles. Once scheduled, it will appear with a blue box around it. Clicking it again will remove the profile from the scheduled profile list. 

Refresh/Run – Clicking on this icon will manually run your profile and update the supporter count.

Copy – This is used to duplicate an existing profile.

Delete – This will permanently delete an existing profile.