Peer-to-Peer Release Notes

Peer-to-Peer Release Notes

Click here for documentation on the new Peer-to-Peer tool.

February 2025 - 5.13.0

  • Offline Gifts Import Tool: Peer-to-peer administrators can now bulk upload offline donations, under the Donations Tile within a site, using a CSV-based formatted template. Donations can be attributed to a site, team or individual based on Page ID, with a fallback option of email address for fundraisers and teams.

  • Improved Profile Management for Fundraisers: Fundraisers can now update their profile information directly from the Fundraiser Dashboard. Administrators have the flexibility to customize which fields are visible and tailor them based on participant types.

  • New Waiver Block for Fundraiser Dashboard & Registration: A new Waiver Block is now available in the My Profile section of the Fundraiser’s Dashboard, allowing participants to complete their waiver directly within their dashboard. This block can also be added to the registration flow, providing flexibility for different site types and organizational preferences.

Waiver requirements are now managed at the participation type level, enabling customized waiver text based on participant type.

Additionally, a new "You have an unsigned waiver" condition has been added to coaching emails, making it easier to remind participants to complete their waiver.

  • Improved Form Accessibility & Structure: We've updated form elements in Peer-to-Peer to further follow best practices for accessibility and usability. Updates have been made to the following form elements:

    • Grouped Related Fields:

      • Checkboxes

      • Radio buttons (with/without custom text)

      • Double & triple drop-downs

      • Double & triple text inputs

    • Better Screen Reader Support:

      • Fields are now inside <fieldset> elements.

      • Main labels use <legend> for clearer grouping.

  • Default Personal Details Fields for New Sites: When creating a new site, the following fields will now be set as defaults on both the Registration (Personal Details) and My Profile pages: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Address 1, Address 2, City, Postal Code & Country.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for "Show More" Button on Individual Donor Rolls: The "Show More" button was not appearing on individual donor roll pages, preventing users from viewing all donations. This has been fixed to ensure the button now displays correctly, just as it does on team pages.

  • Fix for Special Characters in Peer-to-Peer Emails: We've resolved an issue where special characters (such as dashes, quotes, arrows, ellipses, ™, and ℠) in Peer-to-Peer emails were displaying as question marks when received in email clients like Gmail. While these characters appeared correctly in the P2P email builder, they did not render properly in sent emails.

  • Incorrect Transaction Code for P2P Registration Fee Refunds: We've fixed an issue where P2P registration fee refunds (PPAY) were generating the wrong transaction code and not appearing in the exported transaction files. Refunds will now generate a PRFD transaction (instead of PACS) with a negative amount. Refunded transactions will be correctly included in the transaction history and API exports.

  • Fix for Broken Links in Marketing Automation Emails: We've resolved an issue where external links in Coaching, Thank Donor, and Goal emails were not working correctly in live sends, even though they worked in test emails.

  • Site Type Selection Now Saves Correctly: When changing the site type (DIY or Event) in site settings, the update was not saving correctly. This issue has been resolved.

  • Dropdown Placeholder Display Issue Fixed: We’ve resolved a visual issue where the placeholder text ("empty text") would overlap with the label when making a selection in a dropdown, in the ‘select with other’ input type.

January 2025 - 5.12.0

  • [UPDATE: An issue was found so this feature has been delayed until we can push a hotfix or the next release] Improved Profile Management for Fundraisers: Fundraisers can now update their profile information directly from the Fundraiser Dashboard. Administrators have the flexibility to customize which fields are visible and tailor them based on participant types.

  • Support for URL Parameter Capture in P2P Registration Flow: The registration process now supports capturing and storing URL parameters over URLs. Similar to the functionality in Page Builder, parameters such as UTM codes and external references can be passed during registration and carried over to the donation page, providing tracking throughout the user journey. Fields supported include:

    • Origin Source (en_og_source)  

    • Tracking Parameter (ea.tracking.id)  

    • Appeal Code (supporter.appealCode)  

    • External References 1–10 (e.g., utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, etc.)

    • URL parameters would be stored in registration and then available for downstream processes like checkout tracking.

  • Preview Links in 'Site Pages' Now Respect Site URL Settings: The Preview links for Donation and Checkout pages in the 'Site Pages' list will now use the base URL defined in the Site Settings.

  • Site Progress Bar: Now Includes Site Donations: The P2P site progress bar has been updated to include general site-direct donations in addition to the existing contributions from fundraisers, teams, and individual fundraiser pages.

  • Organizations management handling:  Improved how donors can move around 'organization hierarchies' at the site level. For example, a parent company with child companies. As a person viewing a fundraiser on the child company, they can now easily click to the parent, then back to other child companies etc.

  • Improved Organization Page Display: Hidden 'Our Affiliates' Tab When Not Applicable: The 'Our Affiliates' tab on an Organization's page will now only be displayed if the Organization has at least one associated child entity. If no child entities are present, the tab will no longer be rendered, providing a cleaner user experience.

  • Preview icon added to Organization pages: Administrators can now preview Organization pages directly from the Organization Tile using a new magnifying glass icon.

  • 'Page Builder' checkout and donation page leverages the site's base URL on render: In a peer-to-peer site, the administrator can now set the base URL that will be the primary one used in the site and the associated checkout and donation pages. This will override the base URL set in the associated donation pages. 

  • Individual/Team page update transactions status change: For consistency, TPPU and IPPU transaction’s ‘Campaign Status’ column now reflect the fundraisers page status of "Active" and “Blocked”, like it does in the dashboard and reports downloads.

Bug Fixes

  • P2P Organisation site page - team participant count: Resolved an issue where the team participant count displayed incorrectly as "0 Fundraisers" on the organization site page, despite the team having active members.

  • Link replacements in automated messages: We’ve updated the system to support the standard format for external URLs in P2P Marketing Automation emails. This ensures that links, including those wrapping images, render correctly when using the ‘Blocks’ feature.

  • Coaching Emails: 'Coaching emails' now properly display the currency symbol when conditional functionality is used.

November 2024 - 5.11.0

  • Support for assigning 'Organizations' at site level: Admins can now easily associate account ‘organizations’ to a site through a ‘bulk assign’ interface, under the Organizations tile.

  • Participant Types List Updated: A 'Remaining' column has been added to the Participant Types list to help track the number of available spots for each participant type.

  • Fundraiser and Participant Reports: These reports now include the 'Participation Type' field.

  • Re-aligned page status values in Fundraiser Report: With more page statuses being made available from the first version of this report, the page statuses of Active, Pending - Paid, Unpaid and Blocked have now been included.

  • Shipping Fields added to the Incentive Activity Report: In the ‘Incentives’ framework, fundraisers can accept premium gifts as rewards for raising money at certain milestones. To better help in reconciliation from the dashboard, Shipping Fields have been added to the report.

  • Additional Merge fields on the checkout page: New merge tags that allow for the display of the minimum commitment, registration fee, minimum commitment minus registration fee, and additional donation have been made available.

  • Donations Report available under Donations tile: Under the ‘Donations Tile’, the donations report has been made available so that it is easy to download all donations made to the site.

  • Captcha Improvements: In the peer-to-peer registration flow, we’ve integrated Cloudflare’s Turnstile and invisible CAPTCHA as security measures to combat fraud and bots.

October 2024 - 5.10.0

  • Include Goal and Participant Type Items in the PFRP Transaction Row
    Provides additional information on the registration transactions so that CRMs can easily extract goal, goal setting, participant type, participant type id.

  • Allow .cookielaw.org as a Third-Party Cookie Management Tool
    Adds support for the use of cookielaw.org for cookie management across peer to peer sites

  • Locale Improvements to Expose Validators to Non-en-US Clients
    Ensures validators work for clients operating in locales other than en-US.

  • Fields with HTML Labels Not Rendering Correctly
    Fixes an issue where HTML field labels were incorrectly rendered as placeholder text instead of above the input field.

  • Offer a Class to Override Default Image on Fundraiser Profile Image
    Allows clients to use custom avatars if no profile image is uploaded for fundraisers.

  • Offer a Class to Override Default Image on Leaderboards and Search Results
    Similar functionality as the fundraiser profile image override, but for leaderboards and search results.

  • Organizations at the Site Level Are Not Unique for Teams
    Fixes an issue where organizations were not correctly associated with teams at the site level.

  • Leaderboard Gadget ‘Search’ Link Points to the Incorrect Place on Site Creation
    Fixes a bug where the leaderboard gadget links to the wrong page on new site creation.


August 2024 - 5.9.1

  • Security Improvements to the Fundraiser’s Dashboard
    Adds security checks on login to improve fundraiser dashboard security across different sites.

  • Registration Safeguard Against Participant Type Loss
    Improves registration session persistence, preventing participant type information from being lost if the session is interrupted via a tab refresh

  • Allow Iframes Using the Same Domain to Render
    Allows clients to embed iframes within peer-to-peer sites, provided they are using the same domain.


August 2024 - 5.9.0

  • Global Field Rules
    Enables rules like show/hide based on dropdown lists, improving flexibility for admins.

  • Mobile Improvements to Thanking Donor
    Enhances the donor thanking process for mobile devices in the fundraiser dashboard.

  • Ability to Deactivate a Team Page
    Adds the option for admins to deactivate team pages from team modals.

  • Include Deactivate Status in Transaction Export Row
    Adds the deactivated status to the transaction export row for external CRM tracking.

  • Submission Hook (for developers)
    Adds a page-level hook for passing additional values on submission. 


June 2024 - 5.8.0

  • Mobile Improvements to Thanking Donor
    Improves the donor thanking flow for mobile devices in the fundraiser dashboard.

  • Separate Template Offering for Thank You Messages
    Adds flexibility for clients to use different templates for thank you messages compared to automated messages.

  • Fundraiser Dashboard: A Team Member's Funds Aren't Being Counted Toward the Team Goal
    Fixes an issue where a team member's funds were not counted toward the team's goal in the dashboard.

  • Ability to Deactivate a Team Page on Team Modals
    Adds the ability for an admin to deactivate a team's page.

  • Update Block Language to Deactivate on Fundraiser Modals
    Improves clarity by updating the button language from 'Block' to 'Deactivate' on fundraiser modals.

  • Improve Site Settings in URL Handling
    Adds the ability to tailor the site name, end URL slug, and generate a user-friendly link on the site.

  • Window Focus Improvements
    Improves focus behavior on P2P site registrations pages, ensuring each submission starts at the top of the page.


May 2024 - 5.7.0

  • Marketing Tools Email Template Import
    Adds the ability to import email templates from Marketing Tools.

  • Help Bar Component
    Adds a sliding Help Bar for guidance across Marketing Tools and Peer-to-Peer interfaces.

  • Confirmation Layer - Ability to Track Conversions
    Adds the ability to track conversions on the success page for Google Analytics or other tracking tools.

  • P2P Templates Management
    Improves the management of P2P templates, flagging those that are P2P applicable to reduce confusion.

  • Site Wizard Updates
    Updates to the site wizard, including adding goals and improving site design UI for creating templates.

  • Donor Thank You Messages - Emoji Support
    Adds emoji support to the thank you messages in the P2P fundraiser dashboard.

  • Form Editing Improvements
    Fixes an issue with having blank dropdown values in registration forms.

  • Permissions Updates to Allow Users to Edit Site Pages
    Adds permission updates to allow users to edit P2P site pages.

  • Additional P2P Transactions on Supporter Lookup
    Adds more P2P transaction types to the supporter lookup page.

  • Add Page Name to Fundraisers List Screen
    Displays the page name on the fundraisers list screen for easier navigation.

  • Hide Shipping Fields
    Hides unnecessary shipping fields in forms.


April 2024 - 5.6.0

  • Company / Organization Structures
    Expands on the initial organizational tiering feature for peer-to-peer programs, allowing fundraisers to participate as part of an organization or team.

  • Allow a Fundraiser to Thank Donors
    Adds options for fundraisers to thank donors, including Giphy integration to enhance the user experience.

  • ‘In Honor’ Handling to Tribute Sites
    Adds an ‘In Honor’ block for tribute sites, enabling administrators to offer registrations focussed on fundraisers honoring someone special in a tribute setting

  • Registration Fee Site Toggle
    Allows admins to control whether registration fees are included in fundraising totals across different pages and automations.

  • Navigation Improvement
    Updated the P2P navigation bar to align with Marketing Tools for consistency.

  • Fundraiser Dashboard Mobile Navigation
    Mobile UX improvement to address navigation issues on mobile devices.


February 2024 - 5.5.0

  • Initial Company / Organization Structures
    Lays groundwork for handling organizational tiering in peer-to-peer programs, supporting different entity types such as schools or corporate partnerships. Administrators can manage parent level entities, update entity logos, page stories and goals.

  • Allow a Fundraiser to Thank Donors
    Adds Giphy integration and thank you options for fundraisers to show appreciation to donors.

  • Button Block Improvement
    Adds customization options for button blocks, including links, colors, and custom classes on site pages.

  • Navigation Permission
    Adds user permission to hide the P2P navigation item for certain users.


January 2024 - 5.4.0

  • Coaching Email (Messaging)
    Ability to send event reminders and follow-up emails automatically based on registration date or event countdown.

  • Conditional Content (Framework)
    Framework for inner conditional content in P2P automated messages. Customizes content based on roles or fundraising progress.

  • Ability to Duplicate a Site
    Enables site cloning functionality for peer-to-peer sites.

  • Incentives
    Provides incentive range rules based on participation type, dashboard options for accepting or declining incentives, and records transactions on acceptance/declination.

  • Minimum Pledge Processing
    Allows organizations to track and charge fundraisers who do not meet their pledge goals.

  • Thermometer Block
    Adds a thermometer block to site pages, showing overall site fundraising progress.

  • HTML Block
    Provides support for adding custom HTML blocks to site pages for more flexible designs.

  • Offline Gift Improvements
    Enhanced offline gift entry, adding fields for Gift Date, Address 2, Country, and expanded payment options like Wire Transfer.

  • Improve Checkout and Donation Page Tile Selection
    Improved UX for selecting checkout and donation pages, reducing complexity in tile selection.

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