Manage page alerts

Alerts are the messages that appear on-screen or inline when your supporter leaves a required field blank or makes other errors when submitting a form (e.g. minimum gift amount or email address format). This document provides instructions on creating and managing these alerts.

This section does not refer to software errors (e.g.errors that occur due to server problems or if the page is not set up properly). Supporters who experience those types of errors will automatically be directed to the error landing page.

You can learn more about error landing pages here.

How the alerts are displayed on the page

Dynamic errors are displayed next to the field (on submit) and are handled without submitting the page to the server:

Errors displayed at the top of the page (on submit) are returned by the server, for example if the payment was declined:

Creating Alerts

To create an alert, go to Pages > Alerts & Validators. You can only have one alert per type per locale and cannot have multiple alerts for the same locale, or different alerts for different pages.

Locate the alert you need and click the “create new” button or duplicate an existing alert by clicking the duplicate icon. A window will open that allows you to edit the name, locale, and content of your alert.

Enter your content and click “Save”.

To delete an existing alert click the delete icon for the alert you would like to remove and confirm the deletion.

Alert Types

There are a total of 34 possible alerts available (depending on your subscription) and you will need one version for each of the locales set up in your account. Each is described below.

Advocacy Alerts


Advocacy Alerts


Address Check Failed

A supporter has entered an address that can not be validated using PAF validation (US only)

Contact Not Found

No contacts in the database in use can be matched to the address entered by the supporter.

Email a Friend Error

A supporter enters a friend’s email address which is invalid.

Message Length

A supporter’s message exceeds the character limit (applicable for specific web forms).

PAF Validation Failed

The entered supporter’s address and postcode is not a valid combination.*

Post Code Not Found

A supporter’s postcode has failed to find a contact in our database or a client contact database (these error alerts are specific to local contact actions).

Too Many Organizations Found

More than one contact has been found for the supporter’s postal code.

Event Alerts


Discount Code Invalid

The discount code entered is incorrect or does not exist for the event.

Event Not In Date Range

Event has already completed

Event Sold Out

The event has a ticket limit and no longer has any available for sale.

Invalid Ticket Quantity

The ticket quantity entered is larger than the allowed limit.

No Tickets Selected

No tickets were selected when submitting the form.

Tickets Sold Out

The event has a ticket limit and no longer has any available for sale.

Fundraising Alerts


Bank Timeout or System Error

A timeout occurred while communicating with the financial institution.

Card Expired

The expiration date entered is correct but the card has expired.

Check Credit Card Number

A supporter has entered an incorrect credit card number

Check CVV2

A supporter’s CVV2 code does not match the value on the card.

Check CVVS or Expire Date

A supporters CVV2 code does not match the value on the card or expiration date entered for the card is incorrect.

Currency Not Found

This gateway requires Currency to be passed in.

Donation Amount Not Found

A valid donation amount was not submitted.

Generic Payment Error

A payment error that does fit into any of the categories below

Insufficient Funds

The credit card entered does not have enough funds available to process the donation amount.

Lost or Stolen Card

The credit card entered has been reported as lost or stolen.

Over Limit

The credit card entered has been reported as over its spending limit.

Payment Type Not Found

The payment type was not entered correctly or is not valid.

Refund Error

If the was an issue in refunding the gift and the returning message is outside of a invalid card details.

General Alerts


Captcha Found

If the supporter’s postcode identified a target that is using a web form containing a captcha image, the supporter will see an alert requesting further authentication. You can customize the alert by inserting the target’s name.

Captcha Invalid Answer

A supporter has entered an invalid answer for the captcha displayed on the screen.

Error Alert Header

The heading copy that appears on the error block, once a submission takes place. Please see the first example above, where the text says ‘The following errors are on the page’.

Inactive Campaign

The campaign page is not set to live status.

Invalid Confirm Email

A supporter’s confirmation email address entry does not match the email address field.

Invalid Email Address

A supporter has entered a badly formatted email address (e.g. includes illegal characters like commas, or is missing an ‘@’, etc.).

Mandatory Field Empty

A supporter tries to submit a form field or question without completing all fields that you have designated as mandatory.

Session Expire

If a supporter views action pages for more than 60 minutes this error will display.