Account Logs – Audit trails

You can use your Account Logs in your Settings to view the audit trails collected from user activity in the account. This is useful for tracking when different people made changes or logged into the account. 

Account Logs

In Account Settings > Settings > Account Logs, you can view the audit trails for the account.

You can sort by timestamp, and view the Account User who made the change, the Event that was logged, and the Action that was taken.

You can filter the logs by Users, Event type, and Timeframe. 

Click “Export” to download a .csv file of the audit logs. This will include your Client ID, User ID, Name, IP Address, Created On date, Type, Entity Type and ID, and Details. 

If the Engaging Networks support team need to log in to access your account, this will appear in the audit trail as an Account Login event type, with “(EN Support)” in the Action description.

Event types

There are various Event Types you can filter for:

Event Type


Event Type


Update Page

A page-builder page was edited. The Action column will include the name of the page, e.g. ‘Page design for “2019-09 MP action” was updated.’

Account Login 

A user logged into the account. The Action column will include the name of the user and their IP address. If Engaging Networks support have to access your account, the audit trail will state “(EN Support)” in the Action column.

Account Logout

A user logged out of the account. The Action column will include the name of the user and their IP address.

Audit Optin Question

An opt-in question label was updated.

Audit Sandbox TOS

Developers only – for Sandbox accounts this reports when a user has agreed to the terms of service.

Update Content Ownership

Reports on changes to Account Settings > Content Ownership

Update Content Preference

Reports on changes to Account Settings. Examples:

  • Attribute “finalRetryDays” changed from “5” to “4”.

  • Attribute “hideOptInIfYes” changed from “true” to “false”.

  • Attribute “baseUrl” changed from “” to “”.

  • Attribute “donationBaseUrl” changed from “” to “”.

  • Attribute “reportingCurrency” changed from “USD” to “AUD”.

  • Attribute “multiLocale” changed from “true” to “false”.

Update HPC

Reports on changes to Highest Previous Contribution settings.

Add Supporter Field

Name of the supporter field that was added.

Update Supporter Field

Name of the updated supporter field and the update.

Delete Supporter Field

Name of the deleted supporter field. 

Add Account Email

Shows the email address that was newly added.

Update Account Email

Lists the attribute of the account email that was changed and reflects the change.

Delete Account Email

Shows the account email address of the deleted account.

Add Supporter

Shows the new supporter email address that was added.

Delete Supporter

Shows the email address of the deleted supporter.

Audit Payment Gateway

Shows the name of the payment gateway that was edited.

Add Permission Group

Shows the number of permissions added to the new permission group.

Update Permission Group

Shows the number of permissions that were updated in the permission group.

Delete Permission Group

Shows the name of the permission group that was deleted.

Add Token

Only shows “Token added” – click here for more about API tokens.

Update Token

Shows the user associated with the token that was added.

Add Account User

Shows the user account that was added.

Update Account User

Shows the account user and the update that was made.

Delete Account User

Shows the account user that was deleted.

Update Domain Authentication

Shows the domain that was updated – click here for more about domain authentication.

Validate Domain Authentication

Shows the domain that was validated.

Page component: Add Template

Page template was added

Page component: Update Template

Page template was edited

Page component: Delete Template

Page template was deleted

Page component: Add Form block

Page form block was added to a page

Page component: Update Form block

Page form block was edited

Page component: Delete Form block

Page form block was deleted from a page

Page component: Add Survey Block

Survey block was added to a survey page

Page component: Update Survey Block

Survey block was edited on the survey page

Page component: Delete Survey Block

Survey block was deleted on the survey page

Page component: Add Form field

A form field was added to the page

Page component: Update Form field

A form field was edited on a page

Page component: Delete Form field

A form field was deleted from a page

Page component: Add Question

A question was added on a page

Page component:  Update Question

A question was edited on a page

Page component: Delete Question

A question was deleted on a page

Page component: Add Display Widget 

Display widget was added to a page

Page component: Update Display Widget 

Display widget was changed on a page

Page component: Delete Display Widget 

Display widget was deleted from a page

Page component: Add Social Settings

Social networking tools settings were added to a page

Page component: Update Social Settings

Social networking tools settings on a page were edited

Page component: Update Page Redirect

Page redirects were changed

Page component: Add Upsell Lightbox

Upsell light box was added to a page

Page component: Update Upsell Lightbox

Upsell light box was edited on a page

Page component: Delete Upsell Lightbox

Upsell light box was deleted from a page

Page component: Add Text Block

Text block was added to a page

Page component: Update Text Block

Text block on a page was edited

Page component: Delete Text Block

Text block was deleted from a page

Page component: Add Code Block

Code block was added to a page

Page component: Update Code Block

Code block was edited on a page

Page component: Delete Code Block

Code block was deleted from a page

Page component: Thank you email

Thank you email autoresponder was edited on a page

Page component: Add Reminder Email 

An event reminder email was added to a page

Page component: Update Reminder Email 

An event reminder email was edited

Page component: Delete Reminder Email 

An event reminder email was deleted from a page

Page component: Add Ecard

A card was added to an ecard page

Page component: Update Ecard

A card on an ecard page was edited

Page component: Delete Ecard

A card was deleted from an ecard page

Page component: Add Hub Gadget

A gadget was added to a Supporter Hub page

Page component: Update Hub Gadget

A gadget on a Supporter Hub page was edited

Page component: Delete Hub Gadget

A gadget was deleted from a Supporter Hub page

Page component: Add Hub Copy

A text block was added to a Supporter Hub page

Page component: Update Hub Copy

A text block on a Supporter Hub page was edited

Broadcast updated

A marketing tools broadcast campaign was updated

Broadcast audience updated

The audience for a marketing tools broadcast campaign was updated

Email message updated

An email within a marketing tools broadcast campaign was updated

Broadcast sent

A marketing tools broadcast campaign was sent

Page Edit Audit Trails

You can view audit logs in the page edits. Click on your page in Manage Pages so further details open up. The previous 5 audit logs will be previewed, and you can click “View more logs” to see the last 20 logs in the audit trail: