Exporting Templates From Marketing Tools Components

Marketing tools templates can be exported from into Engaging Networks as JSON files. The JSON can then subsequently be imported back into Engaging Networks to create templates or other systems.

Exporting a template

Navigate to Marketing Tools > Components > Templates and select the pencil icon for the template.


From the template screen, there will be an option on the top left to Export Template.


After selecting to export the template, there is an Export Options checkbox option to include custom blocks in the export. With the setting enabled any blocks currently in use in the template will be included in the exported JSON. Without the setting enabled, the file will include only global settings for the email template and the content container will be empty.


Selecting Export Template will produce a .json file of the template or the code can be copied directly from the overlay.

Additional resources

Importing templates for broadcast emails View Article

Using Variable Replacements In templates View Article

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