Campaign Emails – Next Suggested Gift

Our ‘Suggested Gift Value’ insert will allow you to customize your email content based on your donor’s Highest Previous Contribution (HPC) or Most Recent Contribution (MRC). You need to have enabled Previous Contributions in your account settings for this to work.

To insert a ‘Suggested Gift Value’ as a link to a page or as text in the email content click the blue 2 coin icon in the WYSIWYG editor. This will open the ‘Suggest Gift Value’ editor.

Insert as a link to a page

This option will let you insert a link to a donation page that has a ‘Next Suggested Gift’ (NSG) component. It will calculate the ‘Suggested Gift Value’ based on the rules you configured in your NSG block and automatically select that donation amount when the donor lands on the donation page. For example if you had an NSG block for donors whose HPC was $500 or more, you could configure your link like this:






This is the internal name of the link you are inserting in the email content.


This is the link to the donation page that has NSG blocks enabled on it.

Start Page

Choose which page of the donation page that the donor will land on when they click the campaign link.

Link Color

Choose the color of the link text in your email content.

Link Text

This is the copy of the link to the donation page. The [NSG] placeholder will populate with the donor’s Next Suggested Gift value.

Fallback Text

If the donor does not have a ‘Highest Previous Contribution’ or ‘Most Recent Contribution,’ they would see the fall back text instead of their ‘NSG’ value.


Insert text

This option will let you insert copy into the email content that includes the dynamic ‘Next Suggested Gift’ (NSG) value.






This is the link to the donation page that has NSG blocks enabled on it. This allows the email pull in the dynamic ‘NSG’ value from that block and display it in the email content.

Fallback Text

If no NSG value can be calculated, this text will display for the donor instead.