Viewing and exporting event data

Viewing and exporting event data

An event can consist of several ticket types and attendees, therefore they are more complex than some other exports you might do. This article should help explain it further.

Events gadget

To find out information on a supporter’s ticket purchase, you can use the Lookup Supporter tool. The transaction will appear in the Transaction History gadget (remember to check your gadget’s settings to ensure you are seeing the appropriate campaign types) but you will get more detail if you use the Events gadget.

There are two types you can view in this gadget: ECS which is the most common and shows the total purchase price, including additional donations, that the supporter paid. The other type is ECC which is for free tickets or ones paid by cash or cheque.

The gadget will display the following:

Ticket information

This shows the number of tickets bought of each type, in its own row, along with any discounts or additional donations. The total price is displayed at the bottom.

Associated attendees

This will show you the names of any attendees for that purchase, with their name, email and ticket type. You can also click the “View” button to view more information and mark them as attended.

Transaction information

This shows you the details of the actual card purchase, with the gateway’s transaction ID, event log ID, date, amount, gateway name and expiry date of the card used.

Events data export

You can also use the export tool to export all event data as a csv file by clicking on the events tab in the filter list.

Click on “All Event Pages” if you want to export information on all event transactions, otherwise search and add the specific event. If you do this you can add further filters:

You can accept the defaults if you want to export as much information as possible on the event, otherwise you can export just certain ticket types, or discounts. You can also limit the types of rows that are exported in the Transaction format which we’ll explain below.

Note that a Hybrid format export will only show you the date the purchase was made, so if you want to export more meaningful export you should use the Transaction format.

Transaction export – rows

This format will potentially export several types of rows, denoted by the three letter code under the Campaign Type column:

  • A single ECS row which details the entire purchase

  • An ETK (Event Ticket) row per ticket type

  • An ETA (Event Attendee) row per attendee

For example, if a supporter bought four tickets, one “standing” and three “seated”, then there would be one ECS row, two ETK rows, but four ETA rows.

Transaction export – columns

There are several columns of useful data in this export, which differ for each campaign type. We’ll detail some of them here:

ECS columns

  • Campaign ID – the page name

  • Campaign status – “success” if the payment went through

  • Campaign Data 4 – the total paid, including any additional donations

  • Campaign Data 20 – the additional donation if any

ETK columns

  • Campaign ID – the ticket type name

  • Campaign Data 2 – the page name

  • Campaign Data 4 – the grand total paid for tickets of this type

  • Campaign Data 6 – the number of tickets bought of this type

  • Campaign Data 8 – discount code

  • Campaign Data 10 – the ticket type ID number

ETA columns

  • Campaign ID – the ticket type name for this attendee

  • Campaign Data 2 – the page name

  • Campaign Data 4 – the ticket type ID number

  • Campaign Data 6 – the attendee’s first name

  • Campaign Data 7 – the attendee’s last name

  • Campaign Data 8 – the attendee’s email address

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