Viewing and exporting email to target campaign (ETT) data

When someone submits a page on an email to target campaign, we record a transaction. The same transaction can also include the target name and organization (constituency or region).

Registrations and Participations

For email-to-target campaigns that are over three pages, with the target block on the second page, a registration is recorded if the supporter only submits the first page. Should they go on to send the email (submitting the second page) then instead the registration becomes a participation which are then displayed in the transaction history gadget. In other words, registrations did not fully participate and did not go on to send the email.

These are recorded under the status of the campaign as either an R or a P when exporting the data.

Transaction History gadget

You can view the email to target transaction by going to Lookup Supporter and examining the Transaction History gadget. They are listed as campaign type ETT. If you are not seeing them listed, ensure that you are not filtering these out.

Note that the transaction history gadget does not display registrations – only participations

You can click these to display more information:

The “Contact” and “Contact Organization” refers to who was targeted by the email. 

Email to target data export

When using the query builder to export supporter data, you can click on the Advocacy tab to list all advocacy campaigns, including email to targets. 

Alternatively, you can add the “All Email To Target Campaigns” filter to pick them all at once.

When adding an email to target campaign, you will be asked whether you want to pick “Registrations only”. These are supporters that only registered (they did not fully participate). If you leave this checkbox unticked, it will filter for both registrants and participants (i.e. everyone who submitted something on the page).

Transaction export

When exporting using the transaction format, you’ll see a row per transaction. A transaction row:

  • is created each time the supporter submits the email-to-target campaign, even if they only registered

  • is created for each target. If more than one target was sent an email, then a row per target is created (so a supporter will have several rows created for a single email-to-target action submission)

  • is not created (since the email is not sent for spamming reasons) if the same supporter email address/IP address combination is submitted again within a 24 hour window

These columns are specific to email to targets:

  • Campaign Date – the date the email to target page was submitted

  • Campaign Status – will be R for registered, or P for participated

  • Campaign Data 1 – for status P, contains the first name of the target

  • Campaign Data 2 – for status P, contains the last name of the target

  • Campaign Data 3 – for status P, contains the organization of the target

Hybrid export

If you export in the Hybrid format, the column at the end will be titled as the name of the email to target page. The cells beneath will the status (R or P) and campaign date, separated by a colon (:). For participations (P), this will be pre-pended by the first name, last name and organization of the target. If the supporter participated more than once, then more than one group of data will show, for example :::R:10/08/2017::1:Joan:Smith:Scotland:P:10/08/2017