Quick reports

Quick reports

Every page in your account has its own Quick Report to give you an overview of current statistics for that campaign.

Accessing quick reports

To view the quick report for a particular page:

  1. Go to Pages > Manage pages

  2. Find the page you are interested in

  3. Click somewhere on the bar so the item slides open

  4. The quick reports area is shown in white on the right hand side

You can view the summary statistics, or click “View quick report” for more details.

What’s in a quick report?

The statistics shown will depend on the page type, but every summary panel will show the Page Views, which is the number of times the page has been loaded. This will count refreshes as a new Page View.

Some page types and what you’ll see in the quick reports are listed below – the “Summary report” refers to the white panel you see when opening the page item. The “Detailed report” refers to the panel shown when clicking “View quick report”.

Donation page quick reports:

  • Donors: the number of times a payment has been made on the events page

  • Raised: the total amount of payments made

Detailed report:

  • Top-line stats:

    • Donors: the number of times a payment has been made on the events page

    • Recurring Gifts Initiated: the number of recurring card donations made

    • In Memoriam Gifts: the number of gifts marked as In Memoriam

    • Donations by currency: the number of donors, total donations made and average gift split by currency

  • Desktop vs Mobile. This panel splits the page view and participation statistics by the tracking parameter. It is split into two columns: Desktop and Mobile, which refers to the device that the supporter was using. “Overall” gives the total statistic. “No tracking seen” means that there was no tracking ID in the URL of the page or it was not readable. It is split by currency.

  • Emails. This panel shows details of any Engaging Networks emails that included campaign links to the page. It will list each campaign, with bulleted messages underneath (for example, there might be two for a split test). Details of any donations made as a result of the email as listed here.

Events quick reports

Summary report:

  • Donors: the number of times a payment has been made on the events page

  • Raised: the total amount of payments made

  • Attendees: the total number of attendees. This can be more than “Donors”, since a donor might buy tickets for more than one attendee.

Detailed report:

  • Total ticket sales: the number of tickets bought

  • Total amount: the total amount of money that has been submitted on the events page

  • Total sales: the total amount of ticket sales made – this will not include additional donations made

  • Total donation: the total additional donations made on the page

  • Discount code used: the number of times a discount code, if added, has been used

  • Events Sales: there is a panel for each ticket type on the page with information on each ticket type’s sales and remaining. The amount does not include additional donations


Summary report:

  • Participations refers to the number of submissions of the campaign. This will include duplicates, should a supporter sign more than once. It will also count every target that was contacted as a single participation. For example, if a supporter emailed four councillors, that will count as four participations. 

  • Unique participants refers to the number of unique supporters who have submitted the action. If a supporter submits the page three times, for example, they will only be counted as one unique participant.

Detailed report:

  • Top line stats: Participations refers to the number of submissions of the campaign. This will include duplicates, should a supporter sign more than once.

  • Desktop vs Mobile. This panel splits the page view and participation statistics by the tracking parameter. It is split into two columns: Desktop and Mobile, which refers to the device that the supporter was using. “Overall” gives the total statistic. “No tracking seen” means that there was no tracking ID in the URL of the page or it was not readable.

  • Emails. This panel shows details of any Engaging Networks emails that included campaign links to the page. It will list each campaign, with bulleted messages underneath (for example, there might be two for a split test). “Conversions” shows the number of submissions as a result of that email link. 

Message download:

This will generate a CSV download with supporters, the targets who they sent messages to, and the message content.

Targets report:

This will generate a CSV download with Contact First Name, Contact Last name, Constituency, Messages Count.

Petition, Sign-up form and Tweet-to-target quick reports

All these page types show the same statistics in their quick reports.

Summary report:

  • Participations refers to the number of submissions of the campaign. This will include duplicates, should a supporter sign more than once. For email-to-target and tweet-to-target pages, it will also count every target that was contacted as a single participation. For example, if a supporter emailed four councillors, that will count as four participations. 

  • Unique participants refers to the number of unique supporters who have submitted the action. If a supporter submits the page three times, for example, they will only be counted as one unique participant.

Detailed report:

  • Top line stats: Participations refers to the number of submissions of the campaign. This will include duplicates, should a supporter sign more than once.

  • Desktop vs Mobile. This panel splits the page view and participation statistics by the tracking parameter. It is split into two columns: Desktop and Mobile, which refers to the device that the supporter was using. “Overall” gives the total statistic. “No tracking seen” means that there was no tracking ID in the URL of the page or it was not readable.

  • Emails. This panel shows details of any Engaging Networks emails that included campaign links to the page. It will list each campaign, with bulleted messages underneath (for example, there might be two for a split test). “Conversions” shows the number of submissions as a result of that email link. 

Supporter Hub quick reports

Summary report:

  • Page Views refers to the number of times the page was accessed, while Participations account for any update or additional transaction made through the hub page.

Detailed report:

  • Total Login Count: Total number of times supporters have logged into the hub page.

  • Personal Detail Updates: Total updates made to supporters’ personal information, such as name and address.

  • Recurring Gift Updates: Total updates made to supporters’ recurring gift details, such as amount or payment detail updates.

  • Subscription (Opt-in) Updates: Total updates made to any available opt-in status through the hub.

  • Additional Donations: Other transactions completed via the hub page (by total volume of transactions, not revenue).