Care2 and Engaging Networks data bridge

Care2 offer a data bridge so that signatures collected on their petition site can be added directly into your Engaging Networks database.

Care2 will work with you to set this up.

How does it work?

You will set up a page, e.g. a petition, that data will posted to, directly from Care2’s site. They are able to post data securely by using a data transfer process using our “REST API”. 

This page will not necessarily be visible to your supporters. It is just used to collect the data and mark they the supporter took part in the petition on a certain day.

Supporters will then get logged in your Engaging Networks database just as if they signed the petition directly there. 

This means you can easily identify who they are and where they came from. 

You can also manage them using email automations, for example to send them on a welcome journey where every few days they get a series of emails.

What do I need to do to get this working?

When you set up a petition with Care2, along with the design and content, they will ask you to securely send them a “suppression list” file, which is a list of your current supporters. When Care2’s petition is launched, they can then identify supporters for you whose email addresses are new to your list. 

The supporter’s details (e.g. name, address, and email address) are then sent from Care’s page to the Engaging Networks page you specify, using our REST API. This means they are transferred one at a time as soon as they sign on Care2’s site.

You will specify what data will be mapped where. You should also let Care2 know which opt-in question that these supporters should opt-in to. This means it will be set to “Y” when the data is posted from Care2. You could use an existing opt-in (for example your standard email opt-in) or create a new one just for this campaign. It’s up to you and depends on how you want to manage these new supporters.

You could also add a tracking ID to your page, which is especially useful if the petition already exists in Engaging Networks, so you can distinguish signers from other channels.

Care2 will ask you to set up a API User. Only superadmins can do this. This will generate a key that you can securely send to Care2.

Do not send supporter data or API keys over email. Care2 have a secure system for file transfer for you to use

You should ensure that a test submission on Care2’s site is recorded correctly in your Engaging Networks platform before launching.

Once the campaign is over with Care2, you can revoke the API key so it cannot be used again.