Known issues
This page includes critical issues that have been reported by or are impacting clients of Engaging Networks.
Ongoing issues
There are no ongoing issues.
Resolved issues
RESOLVED Marketing Tools - Errors do not show when trying to save a message without required fields completed
💡Discovery date: Jan 24, 2025
🗓️ Resolution date: Resolved in the release Feb 28, 2025
Issue: Typically if a User leaves a required field blank and tries to save when building a marketing tools message, there will be a validation error displayed indicating the field is required. This bug is preventing the errors from displaying and can make it difficult for the User to see why their message cannot be saved.
🌐 Scope of impact: This issue impacts messages built in Marketing Tools and includes email and SMS broadcasts.
⚠️Temporary solutions for impacted clients:
If it appears a message will not save in Marketing Tools, Users should review the fields for the campaign under Settings to ensure there are values for the following:
Reply to
Google Analytics (if the account is has Google Analytics integration enabled)
The validation errors will show if you click into the fields as well.
RESOLVED Delayed recording of opt in and question transactions (US datacenter only)
💡Discovery date: Dec 3, 2024
🗓️ Resolution date: Dec 4, 2024
Issue: Due to an error, a server job that logs question and opt in data had to be stopped, causing a delay in that data being available in client accounts.
🌐 Scope of impact: This only impacted accounts in the US datacenter. Opt ins and questions submitted between approximately 12 pm ET to 4:30 pm ET on 3 Dec 2024 were not recorded in client accounts until approximately 2 pm ET the following day, 4 Dec 2024. That data was also not available in the API until approximately 3 pm ET on 4 Dec 2024.
RESOLVED Potentially duplicative recurring transactions and incorrect transaction status (Vantiv Worldpay only)
💡Discovery date: Nov 12, 2024
🗓️ Resolution date:
For recurring: Nov 13, 2024
For one time: Nov 15, 2024
Issue: Vantiv Worldpay added an additional response code for transactions on November 5th, 2024. The small number of transactions with that response code are being erroneously marked with a rejected status in Engaging Networks despite being successful in Vantiv. Because rejected recurring transactions are retried up to three times, this resulted in some supporters being mistakenly charged multiple times.
🌐 Scope of impact: This issue only impacts clients who use the payment gateway Vantiv Worldpay and had transactions since November 5th, 2024 with any response code starting with 136. Examples:
136:Consumer multi-use virtual card number, Approved
136:The account number was changed
136:The expiration date was changed
The transactions will be successful in Vantiv and have been updated to success in Engaging Networks.
Vantiv ultimately removed these codes on November 20th. No change was required for the change to remove the codes
⚠️Temporary solutions for impacted clients:
On November 12th Engaging Networks temporarily PAUSED recurring transactions that returned that error code to prevent supporters from continuing to be charged. The issue was then hotfixed for recurring transactions on November 13th and newly processed recurring transactions returning that code will be correctly marked as successful in both Engaging Networks and Vantiv. Any transactions that were PAUSED will be set back to ACTIVE and the next processing date will be adjusted to the following month. Engaging Networks also updated all transactions from November 5th - November 15th with the response from reject to success to correctly align the data in Vantiv and Engaging Networks. The issue was then resolved for one time transactions on November 15th and any remaining reject transactions will be updated at that time.
Any duplicative transactions that processed on or before November 12 will need to be refunded by clients. Also, if clients are using a CRM data sync, transactions may need to be adjusted in their CRM to correctly reflect a successful transaction.
RESOLVED Some split test winning emails are not being sent
🗓️ Resolution date: Oct 4, 2024
Issue: The option to automatically select a winner was available at the campaign level for marketing tools emails, but did not work to select or send the winning email without an account setting also being enabled.
The account setting checkbox can be found under Marketing Tools > Split Tests > Enable automatic sending of split tests and conditional split tests with the settings below.
The campaign level setting is shown during the Sending stage of a split test marketing tools email.
🌐 Scope of impact: Review the scenarios below to determine if you might be impacted.
If you send split test marketing tools emails and rely on the option to automatically send a winner at the campaign level AND you do not have the account wide setting enabled/ checked (Marketing Tools > Split Tests > Enable automatic sending of split tests and conditional split tests with the settings below), you will be impacted and the split test winning email will not send. See temporary solutions below.
If you send split test marketing tools emails, but already have the account wide setting enabled, you will not be impacted.
If you use split tests marketing tools emails but manually choose a winner, you will not be impacted.
If you have already been impacted by this issue, enabling the account setting will result in the split test winning email being sent automatically for campaigns within the last 7 days.
⚠️Temporary solutions for impacted clients:
If you would like to continue to use automatic sending for split test marketing tools campaigns at the campaign level, the account setting should be enabled/ checked. With that setting enabled different win criteria can be selected for automatic sending at the campaign level and it ensures the winner will be selected and sent.
Temporarily rely on manual sending. At the Sending stage for split test marketing tools campaigns, select The winner will be chosen option.