AWS Migration Status Update

AWS Migration Status Update

Engaging Networks’ Migration to AWS

Engaging Networks has moved to an AWS hosting environment for improved network monitoring, greater flexibility, enhanced network redundancy and additional data security. AWS will also enable us to continue scaling up in a more agile and cloud-centric way, to better serve our growing community of clients worldwide. We also will gain enhanced stability and reliability, especially on high-traffic fundraising days.

Dallas Server – Migration Update

The AWS migration for clients on the Dallas server successfully completed on July 25, 2021. Jobs that were scheduled between 11:30 PM ET on July 24 to 12:30 PM ET on July 25 were paused and resumed following the migration. This includes imports, exports, email campaigns and marketing automations. 

Toronto Server – Migration Update

The AWS migration for clients on the Toronto server successfully completed on September 12, 2021 . Jobs that were scheduled between between 9am-1pm ET on September 12 were paused and resumed following the migration. This includes imports, exports, email campaigns and marketing automations. 

All clients on the Toronto server should move their SSL certificates to Cloudfare by no later than Aug. 20, 2021 and have been contacted with more details. More information is also available here for Page-builder subdomains and P2P subdomains.

Product Notes

Alongside of the migration, Legacy platform access will no longer be available. Please note that if you have any content in the legacy tools you wish to keep, then this will not be available after the migration. 

The political data mapping tools and political email database tools previously accessed through the Legacy platform will be available through the current UI via Data & Reports, in a new section: Political Tools. More details will soon be available on these updated tools.

  • Political data mapping will be available in the current UI alongside the AWS migration for Dallas: July 25, 2021

  • Political email broadcasts will be available in the current UI alongside the AWS migration for Toronto: Sept. 12, 2021

If your organization is using the PayPal Status Updater, the notification URL will need to be updated in PayPal. You can find the updated information here in step 4.

Fundraising / Autoresponders

Alongside the Dallas AWS migration July 25, 2021, a fix has been deployed for autoresponders in donation pages. When setting up thank you emails for a donation page, the priority was reverting back to send the default message. This has been resolved on the Dallas server and will apply on the Toronto server alongside the migration.

Hotfix 4.0.1 deployed on July 27, 2021 at 3pm ET to resolve the following items:


When applying filters on staged data pulled via API, it was causing export failures and sync issues with various databases of record. This has now been resolved.

Data Import

Data imports via XLSX file types were failing. This has now been corrected.


When inserting a campaign link in an email, admins were unable to search by page name. This has now been fixed.

Hotfix 4.0.2 deployed on August 6, 2021 to resolve the following items:

Page Builder: Captcha

Region-based captcha was not allowing pages to successfully submit. This has been resolved.


Filtering Event page attendees were not returning results when ticket names included special characters. This has been fixed.

Manage Supporters

When viewing supporter lists, ‘View,’ ‘Edit,’ and ‘Delete’ buttons were not aligned with the supporter records on Mac using Chrome. This has been resolved.

Supporter Hub

When editing a Supporter Hub page created before the Dallas Migration, the icons did not load and produced a 404 error. This has been resolved.

Peer to Peer Module

If Users in the US datacenter are experiencing issues accessing the Peer to Peer module they should login to the platform using https://us.engagingnetworks.app/index.html#login

Hotfix 4.0.3 deployed on the Toronto server on August 10, 2021 to resolve the following items:

Manage Supporters

The Support Lookup was not populating search results properly on the Toronto server when entering a full email address to search. This has been resolved.

Tally Tool

The tally tool was not displaying reporting through the magnifying glass icon. This has been resolved.


The attendee block would not display on pages when default values were selected. This has been corrected.


For any questions on migration or hotfix updates, please reach out to the Support team for further assistance.