Permissions Overview

Your Engaging Networks dashboard gives you the ability to control access to individual modules, functions and content with the use of permissions. This is achieved by using the Manage Users, Permission Groups, and Content Ownership tools, under Account Settings. Only Super Admin users can access these areas.

Manage Users

Through the Manage Users tool you can create, modify, and delete users from your Engaging Networks account. There are three types of users that can be created each with different levels of access to the software.

  • Super Admin User – full software access to all modules and content including the Admin module

  • Admin User – full software access to all modules and content

  • User – must be added to a permission group and has access limited to the permissions set for the assigned group

Additionally, you can update the users information, permission group, and even reset their password from this tool. For more details on managing users please read the accompanying help document here.

Permission Groups

The Permission Groups tool allows you to set access to specific modules and content at a granular level within your Engaging Networks account and is required for all users in order to access the software. It is broken down into three sections, permissions, content view, and data view.


Each module in the Engaging Networks dashboard has been given task-specific permissions that can be set for each group. You first select the module you would like to grant users access to and then, set the subsequent permission that is related to it. You can grant users view only access or give them ability to create, modify, or delete content. Each member of the permission group is able to view each other’s content but not that of other permission groups. For more on permission groups, click here.

Content View

Sometimes, you will want one group to have view only access to the material another group creates. This functionality allows you to specify which other users' (or groups') content the group you are setting up will have access to.

Data View

Sometimes, you may want to limit a group’s access to data based on specific constituent information. With this functionality you can restrict a group’s access to the data in you Engaging Networks account by standard constituent data fields such as postcode, state, or country. If you are interested in enabling Data View in your account please contact your sales representative for details.

For more information on managing permission groups please read the accompanying help document here.

Content Ownership

The Content Ownership tool allows you to assign ownership to content created before the permissions tools were released or change the owner of newly created content in your Engaging Networks account. With the release of our permissions tools, each piece of content created by a user will also have that user assigned as the content owner. This will limit access to the content to only those users who are in the same permission group as the owner.

For more information on managing content ownership please read the accompanying help document here.

Planning for Permissions

Now that you know a little about how permissions can be applied to your Engaging Networks account you can start planning on how you will implement them based on your organization’s needs.

Things to think about:

  • What permission groups will you need to create and define?

  • Which users will go into what groups?

  • Who will need to see what?

  • Who will need to complete which tasks?

  • Will you be assigning content owners to existing content?