Supporter Hub: Membership Gadget

Supporter Hub: Membership Gadget

Once you have set up your hub you can add gadgets to the main hub page. Click here to view the tutorial on creating your hub.

The Membership gadget can be used as a place for supporters to see their current memberships and view their membership history as made through membership pages . If they have yet to purchase a membership, there is an option to display a message asking if they would like to.

Adding the gadget to the Supporter Hub

To add the gadget, drag it from the right-hand toolbar. It is under the Supporter Gadgets group of tools and it is called Membership Gadget.

When you drag it onto an appropriate place in your page, a panel will show for you to manage the content and settings of this gadget.

Manage states

This gadget has two “states” under Membership states as seen when editing the gadget. When a supporter logs into the supporter Hub, the platform will determine their state based on previous membership history in the account and different content can be displayed to the supporter based on that state. For the membership gadget there are two states – No Memberships and Memberships List.

Supporters who have not purchased a membership will be served the No Memberships state.

Supporters who have an active membership or Membership History will see the Membership List state

No Membership state

The No Membership state can be edited using the pencil icon. The label and button icon that is displayed on the landing page of the Hub for this state of the gadget can be changed under the On Page tab.

The content displayed to the supporter once they click the gadget can be changed under the Content tab. This tab includes an option to select a membership page that will be linked as a button where the supporter can sign up to be a member.

Membership List

The Membership List state can be edited using the pencil icon. The label and button icon that is displayed on the landing page of the Hub for the state can be changed under the On Page tab.

The content tab for the Membership List allows a variety of membership states to display different content to the supporter once they click into the gadget. The states are as follows:

Active membership
Lapsed membership
Membership is about to expire
Card is failing to process
Membership is no longer available
Legacy Membership

The content of each can be changed using the pencil icon. Supporter and membership data can be inserted using the icons in the blue toolbar.

Depending on the supporter’s state there are additional overlays that might be relevant. Those can be seen and edited under Membership Overlays and are as follows:

Renew Membership
Card Update
Membership History

Additionally the labels and buttons and associated Membership page linked as a button displayed for all States can be edited from the Content tab.