Job Monitor

From time to time in your account, you will be prompted to navigate to the job monitor to download a file or cancel a scheduled email. The ‘Job monitor’ in Engaging Networks is where your export will be waiting.

To access your jobs in Engaging Networks, click on ‘Job monitor’ link towards the top right in your dashboard.

All active, pending and completed jobs (that have not been downloaded) will be listed here, in order by start date and time. The following information is available for each job in the ‘Job monitor’.






This indicates the type of job. Job types are explained in more detail later.


The unique number assigned to your job in the database.

Job Name

The name of the job type.


The date and time the job began (in the EST timezone).


The date and time the job finished (in the EST timezone).

For scheduled jobs or jobs still running a progress bar with the percentage complete will be displayed here.


Once completed, this is where you will click to download the results of your job. Note: Once you have requested a download of a result file, it will be removed from the Job monito

Stop Job

When enabled, click here to cancel a scheduled or running job.

NOTE: This applies to email campaign job types only.

Job Types

There are several actions in Engaging Networks that can trigger a job. Data import or export, email campaigns and the annual receipt generator are all examples of the types of jobs that can be found here. Below is a list of each type, along with a brief description of their purpose.





User Data Export

Any data that is exported from your Engaging Networks account initiated by a user.

Email Campaign

All email campaigns (single, split, conditional, & split conditional)

Email Bounces

Email bounce data downloads.

User Data Import

Any data import that is initiated by the user from within Engaging Networks.

Export Service

Any data that is exported from your Engaging Networks account using the data export API.

Import Service

Any data that is imported to your Engaging Networks account using the data import API.

Political Data mapping

Political data-mapping tool results.

Message Upload

“Upload Messages” tool results.

Supporter Delete

“Delete Supporters” tool results.

Transaction Data Import

“Import Transactions” tool results.

Batch Receipt Generator

“Single Transaction Receipts” tool status and results.

Netdonor Transaction Report

“Transaction Reports” tool status and results.

Rollback Transaction Data Import

Status of an “Import Transaction” job rollback. NOTE: Only dashboard imports can be rolled back

Receipt Inventory Generator

“Receipt Inventory Log” tool status and results.

Annual Receipt Generator

“Annual Receipting” tool status and results.

Cancelling Emails

If you have an email scheduled, you can cancel it from the jobs monitor by clicking on the delete icon under “Stop Job”. This will cancel your email job and allow you to return to the email campaign to make edits or reschedule.

NOTE: You can also cancel email jobs that are active but there will be a percentage of your list that still receives the email that is displayed as the “percentage complete”.


Each job type will generate a file with information related to the job type. To download these files, click on the download icon .

Once the results have been downloaded, the job will be removed from the list of jobs.

NOTE: Go to “Job monitor > History” to see a list of old jobs run under your user account.

Super admin view

Users who are logged on with the user of type ‘Super Admin’ will be able to view the jobs of all users in the account. When accessing the Job Monitor as a ‘Super Admin’, an additional field of ‘User’ will be visible in the Job Monitor. The field indicates the user who initiated the job. The ‘Super Admin’ can then download the results file on behalf of the user.

Note that only users of type ‘Super Admin’ (SA) will be able to see this field. Regular users and Admin users will not be able to download the results from other users’ jobs.