Seed Lists

Seed Lists

Seeds lists are groups of email recipients who can be added to your Engaging Networks account and subsequently sent emails or test emails. Recipients in the seed lists do not need to meet the criteria set in the email audience and will not be added as supporters in the account. As such, they will not have tracked campaign links.

Creating Seed Lists

To add a seed list to Engaging Networks, from the main dashboard navigate to Marketing Tools > Seed Lists (under Setup). Then select “New Seed List” and create a name for the list.

Lists for broadcast and marketing automation emails and test recipients need to be added separately.

After the seed list is created, select the pencil icon to the right to add recipients. Recipients can be added individually by selecting ‘New’ or in bulk using the ‘Paste’ option. Pasting allows you to add recipients in bulk with each recipient on one row with only Email Address or comma delimited Email Address, First Name, Last Name.

Adding a seed list to an email campaign

Once the seed list is created in email settings, it will be available to add to an email campaign in the audience selection area. Note that only the lists created under the Email section will be available.

Metrics like opens, clicks and conversions from seed list recipients will not be included in the email campaign reporting. Because seed list emails do not have to be supporters or meet the criteria for a send, they will not count in the tracking numbers.

Sending test emails to a seedlist

When sending test emails, seed lists will be available to select. Note that only the lists created under the Test Lists section will be available.

Note that seed list recipients will receive the first version of the email in the case of conditional content used with profiles or split tests. For a recipient to receive all versions of the content, please be sure to include in your Test recipients.

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