Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Editing the subject and message

Image Modified


You will need to change the subject and message to fit your campaign.


Next to “Subject:”, type in the email subject you want your supporters to send to the target. This will be editable by them. You also have some other options:

Image RemovedImage Added

Insert user data or target data into the subject line. For example “{user_data~firstName} wants you to take action”. Ensure that the fields you insert are available

Image RemovedImage Added

Add additional subject lines. If you set this up, it will randomly choose one for the supporter to use.


The message content is where you type the default message to go to the target. You can insert user data (i.e. the supporter’s information that they have already submitted) or contact data (i.e. information about the target that is included in the database, for example Party, or single targets you have set up).

Insert user data
Insert supporter information into the message

Insert question data
Inserts any data from answered questions within the pages

Insert contact data
Inserts target information into the message

Insert reference data
Inserts reference data, if it exists, into the message


These inserts can also be added to the background tab and contact details.


Target block settings

Image Modified


Click the settings icon to change the display of the target block that the supporter will see.


Messages that depend on processing rules can be given a short reference name that will appear in the tab so you can more easily locate them. In addition they have priorities – the lower the number, the higher the priority. This is used in circumstances where more than one rule is matched, so it will choose the rule with the lower number. Each message needs to have a different priority number.



Message swapping will be disabled if you have ticked “Display only one subject and message on the page which all contacts will receive”.

A supporter submits the page

If you choose this option, the “WITH” box below is populated with data that the supporter submitted on the previous page. User fields, such as city or email address, are shown with inserted using this icon Image Removed, while questions:

Image Added

Question answers, such as opt-ins or your own custom questions, are shown as Image Removed.inserted using this icon:

Image Added

You can then type in the value to match on, for example “London”. You can then match the value exactly including case (“that is equal to”), match everything that isn’t the value (“that is not equal to”) or do more advanced text matching, e.g. “That contains”.


If you select this type of processing rule, then you can tailor your messages so that certain contacts receive certain messages. For example, you may want some councillors who you know to be in favour of your campaign to receive thanks instead of a demand to take action.



If you wish to stop certain contacts from being contacted at all, you should create a rule within Redirect and Filter.



This filter can hold up to 300 contacts


Locales and profiles

Like any other block in the Page Builder, you can make versions of messages depending on the supporter’s Locale and Profile (via Conditional content).