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Release: Version 3.59.0

Release 3.59 was applied on Friday, October 2, 2020 at 9 pm ET.

Release Notes Video Highlights

Release Deep Dive Webinar

Notable Updates

Digital Wallets

Apple Pay and Google Pay, both through the Stripe gateway, are now available to use on donation pages, as well as PayPal OneTouch, through the PayPal gateway. Any primary gateway may be used in combination with these digital wallets for greater conversion on mobile. After setting up the particular gateways in your account, the digital wallets may be enabled in any individual campaign page’s donation settings, with basic formatting options to tailor the button styling.

Please see additional details on enabling these digital wallet options here.

Facebook Lead Gen Sync

Facebook lead generation forms will now be able to sync data directly into Engaging Networks. After a form has been published in Facebook (i.e. to be used in a lead gen ad), you will be able to connect the form fields to create new supporters in Engaging Networks automatically and view topline performance. Additional functionality will be added in upcoming releases around the Facebook ad integration and additional search and social platforms.

Expanded Social Sharing

In addition to existing options to enable social sharing on Facebook and Twitter, it is now possible to include WhatsApp and LinkedIn in sharing options, as well as Twitter cards. Along with the ability to share via confirmation pages, you will now also be able to include all social sharing options in thank you emails. 

For the default link to be included in social sharing copy, you may now also point to an external link, in addition to existing options to point to the campaign landing page or other page within Engaging Networks. Google Analytics tracking can now also be included in default share links when combined with Marketing Channels. 

Please note additional setup and styling updates under the Requested Features section below.

Additional Visual Reports

Expanding on the new reports made available in Release 3.58, additional reports have been added to isolate detailed data on Advocacy (including Petition, Email-to-Target, Tweet-to-Target, and Click-to-Call), Fundraising (including Events, E-commerce, Premiums, and Membership), and Marketing Automation. ‘By page,’ ‘By email,’ and ‘By automation’ have also been included to allow for better access to individual campaigns.

Existing ‘Data Reports’ have now been ported over to their respective modules. Further data reports will be made available in future releases. Please refer to the additional details of Visual Reporting for more information.

Stripe Updates

Beyond mobile wallet options now available, SEPA Direct Debit payments and iDEAL debit payment options in the Netherlands are now possible through Stripe. These options are available to enable under payment gateway settings directly through Stripe Connect.

For all payment types using the Stripe gateway, ‘page name’ is now submitted with the transaction and will be stored in the ‘Description’ field in Stripe. Additionally, EN can now also accept Japanese (JPY) and Vietnamese (VND) currencies through Stripe.

Feature Requests

Marketing Automation

  • Jump to Journey: When building a marketing automation, you can now select to drip supporters, based on any automation criteria, into another automation after completion, instead of simply ending the journey.


  • In addition to the new social sharing options, new styling options are available to render icons as desired without additional custom coding.
  • The ability to browse for an image to include by default in Facebook sharing is now also available to more easily search and select.


  • It is now possible to send HTML emails for Email-to-Target via the ENS REST API, instead of automatically sending as plain text

Supporter Lookup

  • In Release 3.58 in June 2020, partial refunding was introduced on certain gateways. This included the ability to send an email and updated receipt when refunding the transaction and was enabled by default. We now offer a checkbox to disable the email with receipt to the supporter when refunding a transaction.

Tally View (Finance)

  • City and State have been included as options for the Transactional View in the Tally View of financial reports
  • A ‘New Supporters’ metric has now been included on the Donations view

Page Builder

  • An additional class has been added to the parent field div of “Select with Input”, once the “Other” Option is invoked

Payment Gateways

  • The ACI gateway has been updated to accept international payments outside of the U.S. by passing the Account Country Code through the API.

Bug Fixes


  • The refund amount insert was not populating in refund emails for recurring gifts. This has now been fixed.

Page Builder

  • Conditional redirects using an opt-in value were not retained on saving. This has now been corrected.
  • The pageJson object now correctly states giftProcess:false if the donation fails.


  • Supporters marked with the ‘attended’ status were not saving as such in the attendee overlay for events pages. This has now been resolved.
  • For certain transaction currencies, the incorrect symbol was being displayed. This has been fixed.


  • Importing supporters with ‘Add to Campaign’ declared now writes the corresponding campaign reference values to the transaction export.
  • When utilizing the ‘Saved Format’ feature, hidden ‘BOM Characters’ in the header row caused the field mapping to not correctly reflect the saved format. This has been fixed.

Image Library

  • When inserting images using pixel sizing, ‘px’ was appended to the width attribute incorrectly. This was causing issues with Outlook rendering when adding in email and has now been corrected.
  • When updating ‘Description’ on an existing image, it was not being saved. This has been resolved.

Additional Notes

Salesforce Connector 2.0

The updates below have been made to the Salesforce Connector 2.0 released in June 2020. For further information, please stay tuned for a new Academy course on the Salesforce Connector, and take a look at the overview and documentation included here.

  • On Contact Push, empty Checkbox field default to FALSE
  • On turning off the sync process, the internal ‘last push and pull’ timestamp are now cleared
  • Checkbox fields are now available to be selected under Contact Mapping
  • Batch Size is now offered as a configuration setting, for Contact Push
  • Enhanced Matching Rules of ‘Fuzzy First Name, Fuzzy Last Name and Exact Email’ are now offered to link supporters with Duplicate errors being returned on the Contact Push. 


Additional Twitter handles have been added to the U.S. State legislature databases. All current contacts available are included here for reference.


The phrase ‘whitelist’ has been updated to ‘allowed’ in the UI (i.e. ‘allowed domains’). Engaging Networks is committed to fostering an inclusive platform and community of users, and we welcome any feedback in continuing to do so.

Marketing Channels

The following marketing channels have been added under Components, as part of the additional social share options noted above.

Social / Facebook / Share

Social / Twitter / Share

Social / LinkedIn / Share

Social / LinkedIn / Post

Social / WhatsApp / Share


There is a movement with browsers to be stricter when rendering URLs inside iframes. In this release, an additional cookie header of “SameSite=None; Secure” will be added when the ‘Allow page to be hosted in iframe on third party page’ setting is enabled. It is now a requirement that iframed pages must be run using https (secure).

Hotfix Updates


Hotfix 3.59.1 | October 6, 2020

Payment Gateways: Stripe

  • A hidden currency field on a Stripe donation page could cause a generic payment error, with no transaction recorded. This was not affecting all clients, only when a page was built in a specific way. This has now been fixed.

Social Settings

  • Updates to social settings in the release caused an Internal Server Error on certain pages that weren’t properly reloading the new settings. This has been corrected.

Facebook Lead Gen

  • Empty settings in the Facebook lead generation sync was causing an error in failing to correctly check for null values. This has been resolved.

Hotfix 3.59.2 | October 9, 2020

Social Sharing

  • The new social sharing options added in this release were not displaying in Chrome due to images being in HTTP. These have been updated to HTTPS and display across browser types.

Image Management

  • The template editor was missing the ‘Manage’ button to select an image in certain places within the UI. This has now been fixed.

Digital Wallets

  • The recurring payment field will now be checked or unchecked according to digital wallet selection. If digital wallets are enabled, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal One Touch buttons will appear on the page when the recurring payment field is unchecked, as accepting only one-time payments.

Hotfix 3.59.3 | October 27, 2020

Social Sharing

  • Twitter shares in autoresponders were replacing custom text with ‘tweet number two’ in the URL. This has been resolved and working properly to pull in custom text.

Payment Gateways: Stripe

  • A hidden currency field on a Stripe donation page was allowing the transaction to successfully process but not writing the donation log data properly. This was not affecting all clients, only when a page was built in a specific way. This has now been fixed.