Form Field | Value type | Comments |
Email Address | Alphanumeric | Email address identifying the supporter record |
Payment Type | Alpha | The donation page will accept any of the following strings, case insensitive: visa, master card, mastercard, mc, american express, americanexpress, amex, amx, discover, maestro, switch or ACHEFT. Please see the donation page help document for instructions on how to create ‘select’ or ‘radio’ fields for displaying user-friendly values to supporters. |
Donation Amount | Numeric | May be entered as a whole number or number with two decimal places. Eg. Twelve dollars may be entered as ’12’ or ‘12.00’. You may want to consider using the ‘select with input’ or ‘radio with input’ field types. |
First Name | Alpha | The cardholder’s first name. |
Last Name | Alpha | The cardholder’s last name. |
Address 1 | Alphanumeric | The first address line of the cardholder |
City | Alpha | The address city of the cardholder |
Region | Alphanumeric | The address region of the cardholder. For the US and Canada, this should be a 2 character code for the state/province. For other countries, it is a free text field. |
ZIP/ postal code | Alphanumeric | The post/postal/zip code of the |